Thursday, 8 July 2010


Last night was the opening of a two day art exhibition at Finham Park School showcasing all of this years work and efforts. Two of the Greasy team had work here, Richie has just finished his final year at 6th form and myself James still with another year to go. There's some great talent at Finham and the two day exhibition gives a chance for students to get some recognition for their work.

One of my favourite portraits in the exhibiton was taken by a good friend of mine Jack Crofts, view some more of his work on his Flickr.

Paul Edwards has near enough perfected Hockney's joiners, see more of these on his Flickr.

One of Richie's on display.

A lead on to my final peice.

Want to know how to survive the end of the world?

A portrait of the A2 Graphics class in the style of Julian Opie.

Another favourite of mine in the exhibition, this painting. I really enjoy the emotion in the eyes and the in depth stare.

For more shots of the exhibition visit our image bank on Flickr.