Friday, 31 December 2010

End of

It's the end of 2010 mo fo's, and its been a good one. We can happily say that we've had a good year, not everything has ran as smoothly as possible, but we have learnt from what ever mistakes we have made. As I said 2010 was a big year for Greasy, but aswell as that it has been a massive year for everyone and everything around us, be it friends, the city, politics, fashion, art, music, everything has been making new turns and styles and these different approaches will soon become evident in all their outcomes.

So, all thats left for me to say is, Greasy hopes you had a Merry Christmas, a swanky Summer, a refreshing Spring. But most of all, we hope 2010 just killed it. Happy New Year to you all. This was 2010 with Greasy...

...see you in 2011.

Tuesday, 21 December 2010

Best Collection

This has to be the best the collection of sneaks that I've ever seen. Dunno' if I needed the frog munchin' on its dinner though.

Sunday, 19 December 2010

The Future?

With 3D now becoming the new way to watch TV in the home, the question I ask myself is what's to follow? I think I've now seen what could potentially be next, a friend showed me this mind blowing video, which left me lost for words and asking myself what more can be achieved with this technology.

The people behind the technology are a Dutch company called yellowBird, Google Streetview also use similar cameras a top of their cars, the only difference being yellowBird cameras record video instead of taking photos.

For the photographers out there, here is a gallery of 360 degree photos by Tristan Shu, who has been shooting like this for a couple of years now. Follow the link to see these amazing shots>> Tristan Shu

Tuesday, 7 December 2010

Not so RAW

Tuesday's are usually the ones for lye in's with no 6th form, but one glance out the window into the cold got me up out of bed and off out. Cold weather has been sweeping the country for the last few weeks bringing snow and all sorts, Jack Frost has took over the last day or two, bringing some beautiful sights!

Not so RAW

Not so RAW

Not so RAW

Not so RAW

Not so RAW

Not so RAW

Back in the warmth only go and realise all shots were in JPEG format and RAW wasn't switched on, PAR.

Thursday, 2 December 2010

Big things poppin'

So then first things first. Yesterday was the 1st of December, so we're now into advent for Christmas. Aint gonna' lie, I got an advent calendar. So anyway with the months flying by soon enough we're gonna' be into 2011. Spring time is gonna' be a big step for Greasy, this is when you'll start to fully see what we have been & what we are still doing. We're gonna' have something for you to wear. But untill then we're still staying hushty.

So for now it's just straight up blogging, James will be on his own this weekend as Me & Meggitt (M.E.G.A) are heading off to Manchester to pay Kieran (Kovu) a visit. Whilst there we're gonna' go see the infamous D Double. So this is what's playing through my speakers all day. Enjoy your weekend, "keep it Greasy".